Happy April Fool’s Day! Instead of getting pranked or tricked, we have provided some great, foolproof ways for you to get your yard ready for warm and sunny spring weather.
Prep Your Lawn - Even though spring has already begun, it isn’t too late to give your lawn some much-needed attention. If you’ve let your yard get out of hand, start off by mowing your old grass low. If weeds are typically an issue, you can also look into purchasing a pre-emergence lawn weed killer to keep your lawn weed-free all spring.
Make it Manageable - If your home came with a large yard that doesn’t mean you have to worry about maintaining all of it. Instead of feeling stressed about the amount of work you have to do, consider adding in features like pavers or bricks to frame your lawn and make a noticeable size reduction. You can make your lawn look great with less effort!
Trim Up - Some plants may have gone through tough times this winter, so give them some love by investing in some reliable pruning shears. Shrubs and small trees are examples of greenery that can be pruned. These features will benefit from a trimming as it will help your yard maintain its shape and enhance spring’s growing capabilities.
Bring Out the Rake - Rake’s may typically be associated with fall leaves, but rakes can in fact have value in the beginning of spring as well. Raking away winter debris can make a huge difference in your lawn. Not only will you instantly notice a change in appearance, but you will give your yard a chance to grow and blossom all spring.
Clean Out Every Home - Not only does your personal home need spring cleaning, but your birds’ homes need to be cleaned as well. In order to encourage birds to return in the spring, you need to remove any diseases that could have developed in the colder weather. Pests could have made an infestation as well, so it is best to cover all of your bases.
Do Some Research - If you don’t consider yourself to have a green thumb, then do some research into which plants survive the best in your area. You may come to find that it wasn’t your lack of skills that prevented your plants from living a full life, but the plants themselves may not be capable of surviving in your environment.
Start Fresh - There’s no time better than the beginning of spring to introduce a new plant bed. Starting early is best as it is vital to dig areas and add organic matter as needed so your soil will encourage growth. The new additions can provide an entirely new vibe to your yard and provide some motivation for you to keep them looking fresh and lively.
Pay Attention to Paths - Having paths around your lawn is a personal, sophisticated addition that can impact your ability to move around as well as overall appearance. The vitality of a great path deems it essential to do some maintenance on these areas as well. You can use tools like a rake, broom or pressure washer to reveal the prime condition.
Mend Fences - Fences may have become rotted or damaged over time, so it is important to note the condition of your fences when you are attending to your yard. You can paint over rough patches, repair certain parts or look into replacing areas that are too much to handle. Enlist family and neighbors to make mending a more enjoyable process.
Giving your yard some attention early on will make a huge difference in the spring and summer seasons. Noticing everything from fences to bird feeders will give your yard a whole new life that will continue to grow and blossom throughout spring!