Common Issues With Window Blinds: How To Troubleshoot and Fix
Blinds can transform your home, add visual interest to an otherwise dull living space, and can help you to mix up the textures and colors in a room. Keeping them clean and functioning can be tedious at times, but can save you the cost of having to replace blinds more often than necessary.
Here are some tips to address a few common issues that occur with window blinds and shades.*
Replacing Slats
Work with an expert in the area to make sure that the slat holes are cut to match the existing slats. This is not something that can be done remotely.
- Remove the bottomrail plugs to reveal the knotted lift cord.
- Undo the knot and pull the lift cord out from the front of the blind. Only pull out the lift cord as far as necessary to release the slats you are removing.
- Replace slats.
- Restring the blind. Alternate the lift cord from left to right on each ladder rung as you work your way down the blind.
- Insert the lift cord through the bottomrail hole and tie a knot. Make sure that the lift cords are even and that the bottomrail hangs straight.
- Replace the bottomrail plugs. Use a rubber mallet or hammer to keep from marking the plugs.
Shortening Blinds
- Remove the bottomrail plugs to release the string ladders and reveal the knotted lift cord. Undo the knot and pull up lift cord enough to release the slats you need to remove.
- Remove the bottomrail and slats necessary to shorten the blind.
- Determine the desired length and insert the bottomrail into the last ladder rung.
- Cut the string ladder above the rung that hangs below the bottomrail. You should have enough ladder hanging to be able to insert these strings into the route holes on the bottom of the bottomrail.
- Insert the lift cord through the bottomrail hole and tie a knot. Make sure that the lift cords are even and that the bottomrail hangs straight.
- Adjust to the desired length by lowering or raising the knot in the lift cord. You may also insert more or less of the ladders in the bottomrail route. Do not try to adjust the length by pulling on the lift cord.
- Replace the bottomrail plugs. Use a rubber mallet or hammer to keep from marking the plugs.
Troubleshooting Tilt Problems
Before having to change the tilt mechanism (instructions below), check to see if the tilt rod is not impeded from turning or is not bent. You can also spray the headrail components (including the tilter and tape rolls/drums) with a silicon spray to remedy any abnormal stiffness and squeaking.
When it is obvious that the tilter is worn out or defective, you can change the tilt mechanism.
Changing the Tilt Mechanism
- Remove the blind from the window.
- Remove the end stiffener at the end of the headrail where the tilt mechanism is located.
- Slide the tilt rod over (out of the mechanism) to free the tilt mechanism.
- Snap-out the tilt mechanism and replace with new one. Make sure the new tilt mechanism is fully seated in the control route/punch.
- Slide the tilt rod into the new tilt mechanism.
- Replace the end stiffener.
Adjusting String Ladders
- A metal crimp/grommet is attached to the top of the string ladders. This metal crimp/grommet is inserted into the opening on the top of the tape roll. This opening narrows to hold the crimp/grommet securely in place.
- To release the ladder from the tape roll, move the crimp/grommet to the wider opening and remove.
- The crimp/grommet can then be moved or you can adjust the position by tying a knot in the ladder. Additional crimps/grommets are available and can also be used to adjust the position.
- Insert the crimp/grommet or knot into the opening on the top of the tape roll and move to the narrow opening to secure in place.
Troubleshooting Lift Problems
- Make sure the lift cord runs straight up into the cord lock mechanism with no obstruction or diversion. The lift cord should not be twisted.
- When the blind is lowered, the roller pin should be loose to the touch.
- The roller pin must be able to move freely up and down on the track.
- Make sure that the lift cord is not caught between the lift cord mechanism and the headrail when the lift cord mechanism is snapped into the control route/punch in the headrail.
- Small blinds (less than 20-1/8” net width) and blinds with same-side controls have a tape roll support near the cord lock mechanism. This closeness may create tension on the lift cord if the lift cord rubs against the tape roll support.
- The curved tabs that secure the cord lock mechanism under the lip of the headrail can sometimes become bent after use. To create a more firm hold: remove the cord lock, bend the tabs upward, and replace the cord lock.

*Please note that any issues that arise when modifying your blinds or shades will not be warrantied.