Although our bamboo shades are made to last a very long time without any repairs, sometimes things can happen and it may become necessary to restring one of your shades. If you should find your shade’s cord has broken, give us a call and one of our friendly Customer Support Specialists can assist you in obtaining some brand new cords. When you receive these here are a few simple steps that you can follow to put your window treatment back in working order:
Traditional Cords:
Check out this quick silent video to watch one of our experts:
1. Cut your cords the correct length. The correct length is the sum of three measurements. a) On the back of the shade the height from the bottom cord ring to the headrail, b) The measurement from the headrail to the middle of the shade (1/2 way), and c) the measurement in width from the cord track to the cord lock. Please note that for each column this measurement will be different. For example if your shade is 50" wide, there will be one column close to your cord lock and one or more columns farther from your cord locks.
2. Start with the longest cord at the front of your shade and pull your cord through the cord lock mechanism starting at in the innermost track on the underside of the mechanism, through the midle of the two cord lock pieces and then out towards the next pulley to the left or right of the cord mechanism. You will go through each pulley horizontally until you get to the last pulley (There may be one or two pulleys depending on the size of your shade).
4. Pull the cord through towards the back side of the shade and lead it through the round guide rings in the same column.
5. Knot the cord at the last guide ring on the bottom of the shade.
6. Repeat with the next cord. Place note that each cord will go in a different chamber within the cordstop mechanism. If there are only two cords, put the shortest cord in the outermost chamber and the longer cord in the back or middle chamber.
7. Now that all of your cords are through and tied to the back of your shade. Ensure that in the front all the cords are even. Now put the cord-pulls on them
Continuous Cord Loop:
1. The cords must be tied at the rod and secured under the clip. The knot will hold the cords in place.
2. The cord then goes into the clip on the bottom of the plastic piece that holds the rod to the headrail. This way, the cord will be secured to the rod when it is rotated.
3. Next, the cords will go through the grommet to the back of the shade and continue down the guide rings on the back of the fabric.
4. The bottom of the cord then goes through the tassel and is tied off. Each of the knots can be re-adjusted to ensure the shade will raise evenly.
Make sure to take a look at your bamboo shade and its current cords prior to beginning this process. This will help you feel more familiar with the parts and assemblies so that these directions will make any restringing a snap.
Happy repairing,