If you aren't already thinking about dusting your wood blinds, mirrors and wall art, you may want to begin coming up with a cleaning plan prior to spring. Once winter fades away, your house will likely benefit from a good top-to-bottom cleaning session that restores all of your furnishings to a like-new state. Even if you aren't fond of getting out your broom and vacuum, there are a few ways you can make the spring overhaul easier. Here are some tips on how to take care of everything from your custom window shades to your carpeting before flowers start to bloom.

Don't underestimate rubber squeegees
Martha Stewart claims that when it comes to your windows, rubber squeegees can be your best friends. In contrast to newspaper or towels, these products can be efficient at eliminating streaks and grime that may have piled up on your window panes over the winter. Using a�mild soap and water solution, you can gently rub away�debris with squeegees to yield beautiful results. In the process, dry clean or machine wash your discount window treatments to eliminate dust that might have caked on during winter.

Bring in the professionals
Whether it's an area rug that's showing signs of wear and tear or a portion of your carpeting, House Beautiful magazine claims that spring is the perfect time to bring in professional cleaners. Ideally, you should vacuum daily to keep dirt and dust from collecting within the fibers of the flooring or rug. However, a professional cleaning is also necessary every 18 months or so to keep your carpeting looking flawless for longer periods of time.

Get behind nooks and crannies
Spring is the time to hunker down and dedicate yourself to getting rid of�the dust bunnies that have been lingering under your couches for six months. Good Housekeeping magazine recommends being diligent about sweeping and vacuuming everywhere you can - no matter how tough it is - to give your home the thorough cleaning it deserves. If you're having trouble moving furniture out of the way to do so, ask a household member for help. It may take some time and energy to get everything spotless, but you'll be satisfied with the end results.

If you're having trouble motivating yourself to start spring cleaning, just think of how beautiful your humble abode will be once you're finished! This may be enough to get you off the couch and start sweeping sooner rather than later.