Many people consider sleeping one of their favorite activities, and why not? There's nothing better than the feeling of sinking into your pillow after a long day knowing that you'll be completely at peace for the next several hours. Unless, of course, you have trouble catching those Zs. If you're a tosser or a turner, here are three ways you can improve your sleeping experience.
1. Upgrade your window treatments. If you have blinds in place that somehow still manage to let rays of sunshine assault your eyes every morning, switching to blackout cellular shades can make all the difference, and they're easy to install. No more rising when the sun does!
2. Consider ear plugs. If you live on a busy street or sleep next to a partner who snores, a pair of earplugs is well worth a couple of bucks. Just make sure that your alarm is a loud one so you're not late to work in the morning.
3. Turn down the temperature. Sleep is more peaceful in a cool room, and you'll be able to snuggle up in your comfortable sheets and blankets. Adjust the thermostat or turn on a fan near your bed.