You might love how your discount window treatments and accent furniture look throughout your living spaces, but eventually, it's all going to need to come down and be cleaned. Over time, dust can build up on everything from your custom window shades to your area rug, meaning you'll have to be diligent about keeping it eye-pleasing. Here are some tips on how to spruce up some of your most prized possessions and ensure they're just as beautiful as the day you purchased them.
Introduce your vacuum to your rug
Whether you have small or room-sized expensive area rugs lying around, it's in your best interest to keep them neat and tidy. Doing so can make sure you get the most out of your investment. Better Homes and Gardens magazine recommends starting by introducing your vacuum to your rug. Avoid any fringes in the process to prevent unraveling. Next, turn your rug to release the stress of regular use over certain areas of it over time. Finally, consider seeking a professional cleaner if you're handling delicate materials that may need extra care. This can relieve you of damage concerns as you clean your rugs.
Give your curtains a good scrubbing
Drapes are constantly in use, meaning they're always being exposed to dust and other particles flowing through the air. To give your window treatments a good cleaning, take them down, read their labels and verify any specific instructions for removing dirt and debris. Those that are washer safe can be thrown in with the rest of your laundry. Otherwise, clean your curtains with a mild soap and warm water by hand to eliminate dust. Once your window treatments are clean, Channel 4 recommends weekly vacuuming to keep debris from building up in a short amount of time.
Wash all of your pillows
Throw pillows and those used for sleeping should all be washed at least twice a year, according to Martha Stewart Living. Pillow covers should be washed with a mild soap�and warm water more frequently - a minimum of once a month. Prior to doing so, be sure to read the labels on your pillows to make sure you don't do any damage along the way. If you're concerned about your dryer doing harm, allow your pillows to air dry after the wash. In the end, you'll be glad you took the precautionary measures.