Using a bright color as an accent�can totally revitalize a room. Having a splash of vividness in a throw pillow or a piece of art can be enough to tie a room together but it may be tough to figure out exactly where that vivacious�color should be. These suggestions may help you�narrow down where and how much of a bright tone you should use.�
The colors
Shades that were popular during the 60s and 70s are now coming back into the center stage. Using bright shades of yellow, lime green and blue to add life to certain rooms is�a trend that we will see more of in 2013. Since emerald green is Pantone's�color of 2013, we can expect that greens of all hues�will be popular in�everything from furniture to blinds and shades. Powerful�reds and pinks are also becoming more popular, possibly due to their correlation with various charitable movements like breast cancer and AIDS benefits. Items with these kinds of strong colors are often enough by themselves to brighten up a room, so it's fine to stick to a smaller piece. If you don't want to completely redo a room, simply add a new accessory or smaller artwork to balance out neutral tones.�
How much to use
While exciting�colors like red, yellow and green are vivacious, they may be too strong if they are on too many surfaces. Instead, try keeping it to accents. A dash of color�suggests hopefulness for the future, according to HGTV, especially when it's added to more sedate�decors. While many larger items are still going to be trending toward safer, more subdued colors, smaller items will be more focused on showing that concentrated radiance.�
Where to use them
If you don't want to get entirely new furniture for your home, try using these vivid shades for easy additions�It's important to balance these�tones, so you may want to pair bright greens with gentler tones. If you've found vivid�tones that you love but are lacking good complementary colors, try using discount�blinds to offset the bright colors. The natural tones of bamboo shades or wood blinds will work together well with louder�colors to create a satisfying balance for owner and visitor alike.�